After being put to bed, Avery came back downstairs looking for Cloud Blanky. It had been missing last night too, but Avery didn’t notice. He noticed tonight, so we searched the house, then the car. I even looked in the garage and laundry room. No luck.
As the search progressed Avery became more and more weepy until he finally burst into tears. Cloud Blanky would miss him, he was sure of it. I called my parents, but they weren’t home so I couldn’t find if it was over there. All attempts to calm him failed, and finally we broke the cardinal rule: we let him into bed with us.
Even that was not enough, and he cried for half an hour before calming down enough to explain. He needed something furry and warm to keep his eyes closed in the morning. He accepted Almost Cloud Blanky (pretty much the same blanket, but predominantly white instead of being predominantly blue). He is still heartbroken, but he is calm enough to fall asleep, I think.
Some wisdom from Avery: Jesus came here because this was the real world and it was sad. Cloud Blanky loves Noni, but it will still miss him and want to be with him. When he is very sad, his boogers melt.