Rough Night
Last night was pretty tough on the whole family. Just as Diana and I were heading off to bed, Claire came downstairs and sat on the floor in the bathroom. When I asked her what was wrong she said she felt like throwing up. After loosing yet another throw of rock-paper-scissors I was on duty. An hour later I was still on duty, so Claire got a bowl just in case and went to bed.
She wanted a sippy, and when I returned she threw up over the bed and floor. I got the bowl under her and she went into the hall while I cleaned up (lots of paper towels and dragging both comforters to the laundry room).
At my prompting Claire went down to brush her teeth (always do this after vomiting — it can destroy your teeth) and threw up again in the toilet. An hour later she had thrown up two more times. That’s when Diana woke up again.
Claire went to bed and so did we. Then Avery came in twenty minutes later complaining about the noise. It was Claire throwing up for a fifth time. Frankly I’m amazed she had anything left, but a little of dinner did come up. At this point it was 1 A.M.
Avery woke me again at 2:15 asking what the name of the music in his head was. I couldn’t help.
He woke again at 3:00 complaining that he wanted his smell back. I don’t even think he knew what that was. I got back to sleep about 3:30 and told Diana I was pretty much finished. Diana says Avery and Claire managed to wake her up three times before she woke me up at 6:30 to feed Victoria.
So yeah, a bad night for everyone.